Origin of the work:
1656 – 1657 Amsterdam
1657 Amsterdam
1657 Amsterdam, Opera didactica omnia IV
1886 Prague, J. A. Komenského Sebrané spisy vychovatelské, vol. II, various eds., Czech translation by J. Šmaha
1957 Prague, Opera didactica omnia IV (phototype edition)
This treatise contains short Latin sentences in alphabetical order. It was written
1) to serve as material for linguistic repetition, after mastery of the Vestibule (Vestibulum),
2) for stylistic practice in translating from Latin to a mother tongue, and
3) as a transitional work between the Vestibule and the Gates (Janui).
It is dedicated as a New Year’s gift on January 1st 1657 to Comenius’ friend Jan Rulici (Rulík), pastor of the Amsterdam church, whom the author asks to judge the work.
For further study, see also:
J. V. Novák & J. Hendrich, Jan Amos Komenský, jeho život a spisy. Prague 1932, pp524-525
Jan Kumpera, Jan Amos Komenský, poutník na rozhraní věků. Prague & Ostrava 1992, p285