Origin of the work:
1623 – 1626
1627 Amsterdam, published by Nicolaus Johannides Piscator-Visscher, engraved by A. Goos
1969 Prague, J. A. Comenii Opera omnia, vol.1
Prior to Comenius’ time, Moravia was shown only on the 1569 map of Pavel Fabricius. Topographic information was imprecise and incomplete, and thus Comenius “in his involuntary vacation” decided to correct these errors and to work up a map that would provide more accurate and more precise data. He based this on his own experience and on information from those who were very familiar with the landscape.
Geographic information is complemented by the showing of economic features (ore mines, thermal springs, glassworks, vineyards). Comenius knew the most recent data on the measurement of the earth’s surface, and therefore his records of distance are more accurate that those on Fabricius’ map. The manuscript drawing has yet to be found, and the purpose of the map is the subject of debate; the dedication to Ladislav Velen of Žerotín has led to the suggestion that it had a military use.
For further study, see also:
J. V. Novák & J. Hendrich: Jan Amos Komenský, jeho život a spisy. Prague 1932, pp58-59
L. Zapletal: Komenského mapa Moravy. Přerov 1963
J. A. Comenii Opera omnia, vol.1. Prague 1969, pp219-266
Jan Kumpera, J. A. Komenský, poutník na rozhraní věků. Prague & Ostrava 1992, pp266-267
CD Mapy Moravy ze 16.-18.století. Přerov; Comenius Museum, 2003