Origin of the work:
1629 – 1632 Leszno
1633 Leszno, in German translation
1657 Amsterdam, Opera didactica omnia I, in Latin under the title Schola infantiae
1858 Prague, in Czech
1913 Brno, Veškeré spisy J. A. Komenského, vol. IV, parallel Czech, Latin and German texts
1958 Prague, Vybrané spisy J. A. Komenského, vol. I, in Czech
1973 Prague, J. A. Comenii Opera omnia, vol. 11, in Czech and German
Comenius sets out in 12 chapters a system of childrearing within the family for the pre-school period lasting up to the age of six, as well as for the period of pregnancy, intended for mothers, nurses and child carers, all designed to provide education without teachers. The introductory section emphasises the need for education and good upbringing from the beginning of a person’s development. A special informative section provides instruction for physical, intellectual, moral and religious education. The inductive and cyclic method provides basic knowledge and prepares children for the transition to a common (national) school. It is distinguished by its psychological depth and good advice, in which it excels the Didactics. It places the responsibility for the health of children on the parents, and for the former recommends games and free movement. It also emphasises the cultivation of the senses and observation of the surroundings. These are basic requirements that at the time were innovations.
This is one of Comenius’ works that has retained its validity right down to the present day. František Drtina, who worked with T.G. Masaryk and who was the first Minister of Education of the Czechoslovak Republic from 1918, termed the Informatorium “the golden book of mothers ”. The original manuscript, written in Czech, was discovered at Leszno by the Czech Comeniologist Antonín Gindel in 1856, and was first published in Czech in 1858. See also the entries for the Informatorium der Mutterschul and Schola infantiae.
For further study, see also:
J. A. Comenii Opera omnia, vol. 11. Prague 1973, pp265-269
Vybrané spisy J. A. Komenského, vol. I. Prague 1958, pp19-20
Dějiny české literatury I. Prague 1959, pp436-437
J. V. Novák & J. Hendrich, J. A. Komenský, jeho život a spisy. Prague 1932, pp155-158
Veškeré spisy J. A. Komenského, vol. IV. Brno 1913, pp460-464
D. Čapková, Předškolní výchova v díle J. A. Komenského, jeho předchůdců a pokračovatelů. Prague 1968, pp69-74
Jan Kumpera, J. A. Komenský, poutník na rozhraní věků. Prague & Ostrava 1992, pp246-247