Origin of the work:
perhaps 1618 – 1621 (L. Hosák dates it to between 1614 and 1620)
Never entered print
Comenius wished to summarise the history of Moravia from the earliest of times down to his own day. The work is now lost. Information regarding its contents comes from mentions in the works of historians of the 18th century (Tomáš Pešina of Čechorod, Jan Jiří Středovský). Evidence for the existence of Comenius’ work can also be found in the correspondence of the Moravian historian Dismas Josef Ignác, Knight of Hoffer, with the Moravian towns.
For further study, see also:
Tomáš Pešina z Čechorodu, Mars Moravicus. Prague 1677, fol. c 2.
L. Velčovská, Dějiny Moravy D. J. I. Hoffera a ztracené Komenského Moravské starožitnosti. In: Studia Comeniana et historica 2, 1972, 4, pp23-31
L. Hosák, Po stopách dvou ztracených historických děl J. A. Komenského. In: Acta Comeniana XIX, 1960, 2, pp230-232